All children crave love, affection, and attention. They need to know that they are special and appreciated. Abusers know this, and use it to their advantage by targeting children based on the support from their family, or lack thereof.
Children that feel loved by the people that care for them, that love themselves, and know that their bodies and hearts deserve respect, are less likely to fall for an abuser’s ploys to make that child feel “loved” by their attention and false appreciation & affection.
Children that live in a stable home and are supported by family, friends, teachers, etc. that care about the child’s physical & emotional health & safety are better (that’s better, not completely) protected from child abusers and more likely (that’s more likely, not guaranteed) to tell if someone makes an attempt or succeeds in abusing them.
There are no guarantees, but convicted predators have indicated in numerous interviews that they will target less confident children that may be seeking attention/affection and not receiving it at home.
Sections on this page have been adapted from TheMamaBearEffect
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